Take Imperfect Action in The Direction of Your Dreams (a Transformational Human Designā„¢ Principle) - The Human Design Podcast #342
Mar 22, 2024
In today’s episode, I’m keeping it short, sweet yet extremely powerful as I walk you through one of my Transformational Human Design™ principles.
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This principle is to take imperfect action in the direction of your dreams - and if you listen to my podcast, you’ve for SURE heard me say this (over and over). The thing about human design is that there’s a lot of knowledge, which is great, however at some point that knowledge has to come out of your head and out into action, other wise what’s the point?!
Today I walk you through using your strategy and authority to bring this method into practice, and if you really do this, you will see results. Stop trying to get it perfect and do SOMETHING!
I trust you will get what you need from this episode, and make sure you come let me know how it resonated with you on instagram @the_human_design_coach
Big love,
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