Private Coaching with Emma Dunwoody

Are you ready for the greatest transformation of your life?

You're Designed For More.


Transformational coaching designed to elevate your life, wealth and business to a new level.


To achieve your greatest potential, you must fall in love with YOU, clean up, clear out and reprogram your behaviour, and of course learn to live in alignment through your Human Design.

My 1:1 coaching program runs for 3 months, and my number one goal is for you to become aligned, empowered and unstoppable.

Whether you want to create or grow your business, heal old patterns, rewire your brain, overcome limiting beliefs, improve your relationships, and almost anything else, this process is the path to get you there.

I believe we are here to be the best version of ourselves and that we all have a responsibility to at the very least pursue our best with commitment, courage and determination.

If you believe that too, and you're ready to own it, this is for you.



What becomes possible when you choose yourself?

A powerful client testimonial below


Transformation is my Superpower, I know I can transform humans and those humans can influence and change many more humans.


This is my most in depth, high level and exclusive program (and it's only fit for those who are ready to change, if you're not ready to see what you're capable of, this program might not be your thing...)

My superpower and extraordinary ability is fast and effective transformation. I work with clients to create results far beyond what they believe they're capable of.

It's my mission to work with the greatest leaders of our time to meet their most expanded potential and go on to influence millions to do the same.

With 20+ years experience, training and study in human behaviour, coaching, human design, and other modalities, you're in excellent hands as we navigate together the discovery and alignment to the most authentic, successful version of yourself.

The private coaching process

How the journey works:

Once you enroll as a private client, you'll never look back. I only take a handful of clients each year, and this is my highest level program with the greatest transformation in the shortest amount of time.

You get me as your personal mentor for 3 months, guiding you through the process and empowering you to take action in the direction of your dreams, align to your Human Design, change your behaviours and so much more.

When you enroll in coaching, you receive:

  • 6 Private Breakthrough Sessions over the course of 3 months (recorded for you to keep)
  • 1-Year Complimentary Membership in The Human Design Experience Membership Advanced Level (HDx)
  • Customized Human Design Report unique to your design for your reference
  • A Customized Vision Book that goes into depth on your specific purpose, vocation, brand, culture and other Gene Keys/Golden Path aspects. This is a powerful manifestation tool!
  • 1-1 Access to Emma on Telegram for any questions and support

Over the 3 months of the program I am with you the entire way, meaning you have access to me between sessions if you have questions or you need to check in or if you fall into the fear bucket and need support.

I work with those brave enough to put their hand up for greatness!

There are too many people out there right now NOT stepping into their power because of fear, they are trapped in the old way of doing things, thinking and not feeling and growing more and more frustrated by not creating the results they know they can achieved.

We live in a time where we all must rediscover our unique voice, ‘our way’ and courageously and completely step into it.

It does take courage to be the fullest expression of you because we live in a world that thinks it’s ok to judge, criticise and tear down others and sadly this stops you from becoming powerful and happy and in my opinion that’s not good enough!

It’s time to stop letting fear get in the way of greatness and authenticity.

I know for sure that we can all live our fullest potential with the right knowledge, experience and guidance and what we need is to master the super-computer between our ears and reconnect the heart in our chest.

I have learned that people need to upgrade their thinking and rewire their brain for success, happiness and fulfillment and those who have learned to honour who they are on the inside through their Human Design become powerful and unapologetically themselves.


Who The Program Is For

I take clients that are ready to take the leap, tired of putting up with the same old BS, ready to move through fear and personal judgements and transcend what’s been holding them back so they can feel the exhilaration of being the fullest version of themselves.

  • My 1:1 program is for you if you are ready to take your career, business, relationships and life to the next level.
  • My 1:1 program is for you if you know that you’re holding yourself back and you’re done putting up with it!
  • My 1:1 program is for you if you know fear has been stopping you and you know you it’s time to step in so you can help others

If you’re ready to become the best version of yourself, master your career and create lasting positive change through leading yourself and others, enroll below!

3 Monthly Payments

7,777 AUD

3 Payments of 7,777 AUD (5,178 USD)

  • 6 Breakthrough Private Sessions with Emma
  • 1-Year Membership to The Human Design Experience (HDX) Advanced Level
  • Direct Telegram Access with Emma for questions and support
  • Custom Vision Book for manifesting your dream life
  • Personalized Human Design Report



What others have to say about their transformation

"Emma has given me the confidence to follow my dreams and most importantly my instincts! Working through the insecurities that were holding me back and helping me to see my value and what I can achieve. From simple strategies, tools and philosophies to the hard truths, Emma delivered them all in her inspirational yet professional manner. To finish a session with Emma makes you feel invincible and ready to start applying it all."

Jaci Norris – Workforce Development and Business Support Manager Breakthru

"Emma has superhuman powers. She takes the time to listen and understand your space…

I’ve had the privilege of working with Emma a few times now, and each time has enabled me to get to move onwards and upwards in my career."

Kieran Weir – Head of Publishing Riot Games (Oceana)