Unleash your inner power.


The Human Design Retreat

with Emma Dunwoody

A five-day, luxury retreat for true embodiment and rapid growth using Transformational Human Design™.

Tulum, Mexico 

June 10th - 14th


Join Us Here!

You’re ready for moreand you know it.


You feel it, don’t you? That inner nudge. That intuitive hit.

It’s a whisper from the Universe (or maybe it’s more of a scream!), telling you that it’s time to wake up — to step into who you truly are.

It’s that inner knowing that you’re meant for MORE, and you’re finally ready to grasp it.

Honestly, it’s what brings most of my students to my retreats. They feel that stirring inside them, that excited pull that says, yes and now and finally, and they take the leap.

And if you’re here on this page, I’m willing to bet you feel it, too.

Maybe it feels like a yearning for more — for something that you can’t get on Google or a Zoom call.

Or perhaps it’s a longing for clarity, perspective, direction, purpose and community. For guidance and support and a TRUE connection.

Or maybe you can’t even put it into words. Maybe you just know that you haven’t tapped into the power inside of you!

So, what’s next?

Unearth Your Purpose. Step Into Your Power. Live YOUR Design!


You’ve done the learning. You’ve taken the courses and the masterclasses and the training. You’ve listened to the podcasts and read the articles and the books.

But let me ask you something: what GOOD is learning about your human design if you don’t know how to actually use it in your everyday life?!

Enough is enough. It’s time to actually start embodying your human design! To live in and on purpose. To unleash the power you KNOW is stirring inside of you and step into who you were meant to be.

And that’s exactly what The Human Design retreat is for. 

5 Days of Complete Transformation


That’s what awaits you in beautiful Tulum, Mexico.

Five days of integrating your authentic blueprint so you can live your purpose, create more abundance and know exactly what you need to do to create authentic success.

Five days of connecting with other driven, ambitious, and passionate rule breakers who are looking to unleash their power and use their unique gifts in the world.

Five days of YOU choosing YOU instead of putting everyone else first, because you KNOW you deserve to take this time for yourself!


This retreat was made for those who want to…


Have an unshakeable trust and confidence in themselves 

Create more FREEDOM (time freedom, money freedom, freedom to do what you please)

Get paid to be YOU 

Know exactly what your purpose is and how to live it every day

Have Human Design FINALLY be actionable, tangible and livable

Take a look at the retreat schedule!

Hi, I’m Emma Dunwoody — Your Retreat Host.

Video Poster Image

I’m a qualified Master Coach, Human Behavioral Specialist and founder of Transformational Human Design™ — which combines human design with NLP, the Gene Keys, and transformational coaching and behavior change, so you can ACTUALLY implement it in your life.

I created my Human Design Retreat because I know that there’s nothing more powerful than coming together in-person and diving into this work together.

The speed of transformation, the depth of the integration, the lasting connections — it’s unmatched!

Not only will you be taking a dive into your Human Design in a way you never have before, experiencing workshops I don’t teach anywhere else, finally crossing over that line from information into true integration…

… but you’ll also indulge in holistic amenities, form lasting connections with people who get you, and laugh, play, and take time for YOU (all of which helps your integration and transformation!).

It’s time to step out from behind the screen. It’s time to do something for YOU!


Take a look at where you’ll be staying:

OMG I’m in!

What’s Included in Your Retreat:

Accommodations in our Beautiful, Luxury Private Property

This is truly an opportunity to not just invest in yourself…but to treat yourself!

Our beautiful luxury property is the perfect place to foster growth and connection. Not only is the property situated in gorgeous, sunny Tulum, Mexico, but it comes with plenty of gathering spaces for our workshops and free time, a pool, an exercise room, dip pools attached to each room, and more.

New, Transformational Workshops for Integration

During this retreat, you will be a part of several workshops that will completely transform the way you see yourself — and that I don’t offer anywhere else. 

From uncovering your purpose, to getting clear on how to attract the right people, places, and relationships into your life, to learning how you’re designed to make money, these workshops don't just give you information…

… they give you the tools you need to make the information actionable and livable, so that you walk away from the retreat having experienced REAL change!

A Safe Space to Build Connection & Builds Lasting Friendships

If you’ve felt like you haven’t quite found your people yet…this retreat is for you! This is a collective unlike any other. Our retreat members go on to be lifelong friends, business partners and support systems for one another.

In between workshops and sessions, there’s plenty of time for relaxation, integration, conversations, community meals, and connection.

This is a safe space to form friendships and feel like you are part of a group that truly sees you, understands you, loves you and empowers you to live in alignment with your highest self.

We hear it time and time again from our retreat attendees: the friendships made here last a lifetime!

Individual Guidance & Coaching

Because this is a small group, you will have plenty of chances to get into the "hot seat" and have direct and personalized guidance from me to help you feel empowered and confident with your next steps.

Your specific questions and circumstances will be addressed with love, compassion, clarity and direction, so that you can align to your true self and be empowered to actually move toward whatever you desire.

This isn’t about me giving you more information. This is about me helping you remove whatever is standing in your way, dive deeper into yourself, and truly embody your human design so you can live your purpose.

Holistic Massage Services

We will have an incredible massage therapist and energy worker, Sandra Clerico, available for private bodywork sessions. You will be scheduled for a 60-minute private session with Sandra included in your retreat experience, at no additional cost to you!


Delicious and Nourishing Food

This experience isn’t just about nourishing your mind — it’s about nourishing your body, too! And what better way to do that than with delicious and healthy food.

This retreat will be catered by an incredible chef, whose food will make your body, mind and soul feel alive and full of vitality so you can focus on healing and transformation!

All food, snacks, and beverages are included in your registration.

Want to know what you'll actually DO on the retreat?


Here's a sample schedule:


When you arrive:

When you arrive at the property, you'll be greeted by Emma and the team and shown to your room with a private pool and 5-star luxury surrounding you everywhere you look.

You'll meet the other members (who you will already know from the pre-retreat Telegram chat), mingle and get settled. You'll feel right at home!

We will have a powerful opening ceremony for setting the intention and container of the retreat, led by Emma and Corinne Wolfe, a Medicine Woman and Holistic Practitioner.

We will then have a delicious, healthy and nourishing dinner together and Emma will pass out something special for your time at the retreat...


Daily Schedule:

Here's what a full retreat day looks like!

Meditation session led by Emma. Each day, she will take you on a different meditation journey to help you uncover the limiting beliefs that are holding you back, and empower you to receive clarity and guidance on what's next.

Breakfast with the entire group (we eat all meals at the table together). A healthy and nourishing breakfast to kick off the day, created by Chef Laura.

Workshop with Emma. An integrative experience where Emma will cover a certain topic, pose powerful questions, shift your perspective and teach things she doesn't teach anywhere else. The workshops are a mix of teaching, hot seats and breakout groups (and the occasional dance party!).

Lunch with the entire group, created by Chef Laura.

Relax & Integrate. This is your time to sit by the pool, connect with the other members, journal, use the books and oracle decks we have sitting around for you, and this is also when you will have your private session with Sandra for a healing massage.

Workshop with Emma. Second workshop of the day! An integrative experience where Emma will cover a certain topic, pose powerful questions, shift your perspective and teach things she doesn't teach anywhere else. The workshops are a mix of teaching, hot seats and breakout groups (and the occasional dance party!).

Relax & Integrate. We build lots of downtime into the retreats so you have a chance to integrate, connect with Emma and the other members, and have powerful conversations.

Dinner with the entire group, created by Chef Laura.

Bonfire/Conversations. We will sit around the fire and talk about our big dreams, share ideas and encourage one another. Emma loves posing her favorite questions at these times for EPIC and intimate conversation.

When you leave this experience, you won't be the same!


Leaving the retreat...

On the last night, Corinne will host a powerful closing ceremony around the fire where you will take all that you've discovered over the 5 days, and finally let go and leave behind what's holding you back.

On the last morning, Emma will guide the final meditation, close the space and we will have one final breakfast together before we head back into the world, completely changed people with new friends, confidence and clarity.

The Telegram group will stay open forever, so you can stay connected to Emma and your new besties and have that support to lean on when you need it.

Grab Your Spot

Only 3 spots left!

June 10th - 14th 

5 Days & 4 Nights in Tulum, Mexico

Book before May 15 to save $555 on the experience, and get 1 month FREE inside The Human Design Experience Membership (HDX)!


Book a Double Room

Single Payment of 4,999 USD (save $555!)

  • Double Room (shared with 1 other guest, individual beds) with private entrance, private bathroom and private pool
  • Full retreat experience June 10th - 14th 
  • Intimate experience led by Emma in a small group of no more than 16 guests
  • Exclusive Workshops with Emma (not taught anywhere else)
  • Private 60-Minute Massage with Sandra Included
  • All meals included during the retreat prepared by a private chef (you can submit food preferences after booking)
  • Located in beautiful Tulum, Mexico at an absolutely stunning private property (exact location provided after booking, Cancun airport is closest)
  • Workshops, activities and experiences focused on helping you discover your greatness, align to your purpose, create abundance, heal and transform
  • Connection with other like-minded individuals
  • BONUS: Join before May 15 and get 1 month FREE inside the HDX Advanced Level Membership (access granted immediately after booking)

 Not included:

  • Travel expenses
  • Transportation to and from airport


Book a Private Room

Single Payment of 6,444 USD (save $555!)

  • Private Room (no additional guests) with private bathroom and private pool
  • Full retreat experience June 10th - 14th 
  • Intimate experience led by Emma in a small group of no more than 16 guests
  • Exclusive Workshops with Emma (not taught anywhere else)
  • Private 60-Minute Massage with Sandra Included 
  • All meals included during the retreat prepared by a private chef (you can submit food preferences after booking)
  • Located in beautiful Tulum, Mexico at an absolutely stunning private property (exact location provided after booking, Cancun airport is closest)
  • Workshops, activities and experiences focused on helping you discover your greatness, align to your purpose, create abundance, heal and transform
  • Connection with other like-minded individuals
  • BONUS: Join before May 15 and get 1 month FREE inside the HDX Advanced Level Membership (access granted immediately after booking) 

 Not included:

  • Travel expenses
  • Transportation to and from airport

Curious about the experience? Here’s what our previous attendees have to say about it:

"This is what I have been LOOKING FOR! I was looking for a deeper understanding of things I can't get in books or online, but something I could only get from that human interaction and conversations, and I got that TENFOLD. Being surrounded by others who were also prepared to be in that real depth and hold space was amazing. This retreat has enabled me to fully connect with my design but in a way that I can fully integrate and embody it. It has brought me back to myself and given me permission to step into my power. I now know how to physically integrate it into my life instead of it being something that just 'sounds nice', it's tangible and actionable now."

- Mel B.

"I knew whatever I was going to get would be absolutely brilliant after listening to Emma speak on her podcasts and being a part of her community. I knew that if I was in that space it would be exactly what I needed. I can see myself now the way others see me and have become more authentically myself. The group was able to mirror back to me how awesome I am when I couldn't see it for myself."

- Anny V.

"Being in a space where everyone is at the same vibrational frequency and who all just want to be better and do better without competition is amazing. Everyone was here to elevate each other, and being in that space makes me want to be a better version of me. I feel more trusting of the truth of who I really am."

- Lucy P.

"Coming into this retreat, I had an idea of where I wanted to go, but this propelled me WAY past that, in every sense. I came here to get clarity of who I can be evolving into at this point in my life, and it's been such a confirmation that sometimes your evolution is a homecoming back to self. I was able to adventure inwards even further than I could have imagined, and the only word I can think of to describe how I feel is LIBERATED! This has cracked me wide open to a whole new world of possibilities."

- Evelyn A.

"I loved Emma's ability to hold the heart space for the group and allow each person to be themselves and be encouraged to be more of who they really are."

- Deb H.

"For me the highlight was meeting other people who understand that Human Design can be a transformational tool and who were all prepared to be vulnerable and transform. It created a connection between all of us. I also physically feel lighter, Jaz's food was amazing and it all came together in such a nice way, it was all very symbiotic."

- Michelle L.

Frequently Asked Questions

The best decision you’ll ever make for you.


That’s what so many of our attendees have told us this retreat is, and what I’m confident it will be for you.

You deserve to live a life in true alignment with who you are and how you’re meant to show up in this world. This retreat is the perfect place to truly embody the work you’ve already been doing so you can stop learning and start living your design.

It’s unlike anything you’ll experience. There’s something so special and even indescribable about being in this intimate space with a small group.

If you’re looking for real, accelerated change… this is for you.

If you’re ready to stop waiting and start thriving… this is for you.

If you’re feeling like now is finally the time to put yourself and your needs and wants first, to grab the life you want with both hands… this is for you.

I cannot wait to see you transform in Tulum, my friend.

Grab Your Spot